Dublin Scala User Group
Organized by members of the Dublin Scala community, the Dublin Scala Users Group hosts technical presentations and workshops on the Scala language, the Lightbend platform (Play framework, Akka, etc.), the typelevel project (cats, fs2, doobie, http4s, etc.), general functional programming, spark and other relevant topics. Join us for beers, networking, and talks on this fantastic (and fun!) language.
We organise monthly meetups on meetup.com on the 4th Tuesday of the month. Most of our meetups are hosted by companies working with Scala around Dublin. These include talks by local and international speakers, we always strive to include lightning talks to encourage new speakers to participate. Most hosts provide some food and beer to encourage networking and debate. Occasionally we just get together local pub for a chat.
Sign up to our group on meetup.com to be notified of new and upcoming events. See Organise and Contribute to participate more.
Upcoming Meetups
Where | Details | |
23rd October | HBC | Scala Ecosystem & DIStage presentation |
27th November | Zalando | We are still looking for speakers this meetup, submit a talk proposal here |
Previous Meetups
Where | Details | |
25th September | Workday | Easy functional programming in Scala |
There is a small commitee of long term members of the of the user group. They maintain contact with the group and help plan up coming events. Each event is given an organiser who selects the talks, the location and plans the meetup.
- Alessandro Marrella
- Don Browne
- Donal Adams
- Filippo Mariotti
- Gary Coady
- Gregor Heine
- Himanshu Yadav
- Iain Hull
- Jeremie Jost
- Mikhail Girkin
- Ugo Matrangolo
Send us a pull request to become an oraniser. (organiser.md)
Send us a pull request to add a new location. (locations.md)
- HBC / Gilt Tech
- Tenable
- Workday
- Zalando
Attending meetups is contributing but if you would like to do more you can volunteer to speak at one of our meetups, organise a meetup or host/sponsor a meetup.
Give a talk
Organise a meetup, choose speakers and a location.
Host a meetup at your office or a local pub, provide food and some beer.
The Dublin Scala User Group strives to be nice fun place for all. We have adopted the Type Level Code of Conduct to ensure we are a welcoming and fair group for everyone.
If you have any questions or concerns, please contact a member of the commitee
Code of Conduct
Typelevel is dedicated to providing a harassment-free community for everyone, regardless of gender or anything to do with it (identity, history, expression, non-binary gender, etc.), sexual orientation, disability, physical appearance, body size, race, religion, and programming background. We do not tolerate harassment of community participants in any form, and sexual language and imagery is not appropriate for any community activity. Community participants violating these rules may be sanctioned or expelled from the community at the discretion of the community organizers.
We hangout on Slack at the #dub-scala-user-group on Irish Tech Community workspace.
Follow our meetups on meetup.com/Dublin-Scala-users-group.
Contact any one on the Commitee
Name | Company | Slack | |
Don Browne | Don | ||
Iain Hull | Workday | iainhull | @iainhull |
Alessandro Marrella | alessandro | @amarrella | |
Filippo Mariotti | HBC / Gilt Tech | barambani | |
Gary Coady | HBC / Gilt Tech | fiadliel | |
Gregor Heine | greheine | ||
Himanshu Yadav | Himanshu Yadav | ||
Jeremie Jost | Zalando | jjst | |
Mikhail Girkin | HBC / Gilt Tech | Mikhail Girkin | |
Ugo Matrangolo | HBC / Gilt Tech | Ugo Matrangolo | |
Donal Adams | wdadams |